

This class allows your child to explore a new environment in a small structured social setting while promoting body awareness, self regulation and motor planning. The class aims to improving strength, coordination, endurance and gross motor skills. These children get to enjoy participating in sensory motor obstacle courses including jumping on a trampoline, swinging on a trapeze bar, crashing into bean bags and

crawling through tunnels as well as tactile play with multiple sensory modalities. The class ends with calming down and a short relaxation to get them ready to finish their day.

Email us for upcoming schedule

Paint and Play

Let your budding artist do what they love. The kids love painting themed based projects led by our art instructor.  

Email us for upcoming schedule

Lessons for My Daughters 

Teen Empowerment Group

Lessons for My Daughter founded by Carmin Caterina is joining us for a workshop for tweens and teens exclusively! The workshop is designed to empower young women to feel more confident, increase self esteem, and feel more connected to themselves, others and the world around them!

Click here to view their flyer

Register at Lessons for My Daughters website.


Children get to experience the joys of yoga through music and play while  improving balance and coordination. Yoga will improve your child's self-awareness while calming the body and mind to allow new movement experiences.

Email us for upcoming schedule


Speech and Science (Social Group)


Are you finding that your child is having difficulty communicating with peers due to social language challenges?  

This group will focus on:

  •  The rules of conversation including:  
    • how to use language for different purposes
    •  appropriately greeting and requesting
    • informing and conversational repair according to the listener, situation, and/or environment  
  • Other topics to be addressed will include:
    • initiating and maintaining a conversation, using appropriate eye contact/body language
    • expressing opinions and emotions in social settings

*Run by a speech-language pathologist focused around science and experiments 

Email us for upcoming schedule


Play, Laugh, & Learn

Ages: 2-3 years

*Run by a speech-language pathologist

  • Facilitate language and learning while promoting play and socialization
  • Vocabulary, play, social skills, and sensory experiences as well as arts and crafts, and literacy development will be incorporated to further encourage playing, laughing, and learning

Email us for upcoming schedule 

 Fitness class

 Get in shape and use cardio equipment in a small group, therapist supervised setting. Build strength using resistance  exercises with weights tailored to individual needs.  Perfect pre- teen and teens not ready for the open gym environment!

Email us for upcoming schedule


Have other classes that you would like to see?                          Contact us and let us know!